Why has the scheme been revised and how has it been further improved?

The approved extant scheme was for an office development. The site has been purchased by a dedicated specialist care provider with a view to develop a scheme of residential care. The rapidly changing demographics has resulted in a surge in demand for residential and end of life care, and currently local residents will be moving away from the area in order to obtain such care.

The proposed scheme uses a reduced envelop (when compared to the office development) and offers a more residential appearance in building design.

Why is a care home the best option for development of the site?

Residential care is a good neighbour. No resident will own a car and there is a low impact on the local community in terms of noise and disturbance. The highly managed building will include excellent levels of maintenance, local communities are encouraged to engage with the home and the local community.

Have the proposals been informed by local planning policy?

The proposed development has been informed by national, regional and local planning policy. Planning policy at all levels seeks to optimise the use of brownfield (in sustainable locations) land to meet identified housing need. As demonstrated by Care Home Needs Assessment submitted in relation to this application, and evidence underpinning the London Plan and Local Plan, there is an identified need for Care Home accommodation in this location (and specifically dementia care). In terms of design, the proposed development has been informed by both planning policy, and extant permissions for the Site.

What is Hammersmith and Fulham Council’s position with regard to provision of care homes?

LBHF’s Local Plan states that the Council will support new special needs housing (including Care Homes) where there is an established local need for the facility; the accommodation is of a high-quality and suitable for the intended occupants; there is a good level of accessibility to public transport and other facilities needed by the residents; and where the impacts of the use will not be detrimental to the amenity of the local area. The proposed development meets these criteria.

Notwithstanding this, there are ongoing discussions with LBHF regarding the need for the type of accommodation proposed. As highlighted above, we are confident that the proposed development is suitable for the Site, and fulfils a strong need.

How will the care home provide top quality modern care for residents? What are some notable features of the design?

This is a scheme providing world class specialist care. The design uses the household model of care with small communities of 8 residents in each household. The design uses the best practice dementia design guidance from The University of Stirling DSDC. There are extensive communal facilities for residents, including sensory room, lounges, hair salon and sensory garden.

What sustainability features will the development have?

This will be a low carbon scheme with a highly insulated external fabric, and low energy technologies including Photovoltaics and air source heat pumps. The roofs will be biodiverse green roofs and the garden will include a wide selection of ecologically diverse plant species.

Will there be a plant strategy?

Yes as above.

How will the design of the development respond to it’s local context?

The conservation area and local character has strongly influenced the design and choice of materials. The retention of the locally listed façade is integrated into the design and forms a window into the newly created garden behind. We have undertaken a study of the wider conservation area context and allowed the scheme to transition from industrial zone to residential, retaining strong references to the historical context of the former Omnibus.

The development lies within the Hurlingham Conservation Area. What consideration will be given to this?

The use of material, scale and the historic former use of the site are strong influencers of the proposed design. The proportion of the façade and fenestration takes into account the scale of the wider street scene.

What shift patterns will the staff have?

Staff will rotate on 12hour shifts. This will be planned to avoid confluence with the 5 hours down-time on the District Line.

What will be the impact on surrounding businesses and local residents?

Our analysis shows that a new care home on Hurlingham road will deliver significant benefits for the local economy. Both the construction and operational phases of development will deliver a combined 195 jobs and support additional jobs in the supply chain. Millions will be contributed to the local economy in both phases.

Will there be any parking on site and what about cycle storage?

No car parking is being provided on site. Cycle storage will be provided in the basement (circa 14 spaces). This will be accessed via an internal lift within the courtyard garden, which staff can access through the repurposed façade of the Charles Ivey Porsche Garage. Visitor cycle parking will be provided in the form of Sheffield stands close to the main entrance.

How has the level of parking been determined?

The level of parking has been determined using Transport for London (TfL) Public Transport Access Level (PTAL) rating in conjunction with the London Plan (March 2021), which determines that parking (based on a similar use (Residential Parking)) within an inner London borough with a PTAL 4 rating or higher should look to deliver a car free development.  

How will staff, visitors, doctors etc travel to the site?

The majority of staff travelling to site will do by public transport such the tube or via the bus. The development is within a PTAL 6a, which means the public transport amenities are rated excellent with Putney Bridge underground station c.230m from the main site entrance providing access to the District Line. There are up to 58 bus services per hour from the bus stops along Fulham High Street / New Kings Road, operating 7 days a week which give access to a variety of destinations, including Central London. In addition, bus services are also provided at Putney Bridge underground station, which provides for 39 bus services per hour, with bus routes 39, 85, 93, 265 270 and 485.

How will deliveries – including parcels and amazon deliveries, for example, be managed?

The development proposals make provision for deliveries being managed through an on-street set down area at the access for the repurposed façade of the Charles Ivey Porsche Garage. The existing façade is being repurposed as a staff and delivery entrance, which will allow delivery staff to set down on the road, drop off parcels to the management team to distribute accordingly.

It is worth noting that given the care home provides end-of-life care, it is not expected to generate a significant number of deliveries from amazon or a similar courier companies. It is also important to remember that the delivery vehicles trips, such as Amazon, will already be on the local highway network and this delivery would form part of a pre-determined route.

How will you manage waste and recycling?

With regards to the refuse strategy, this will be undertaken by private collection, either through Veolia or Synergy. A refuse vehicle will set down on street at the access for the Charles Ivey Porsche Garage. The care home will potentially produce 1 to 2 vehicle movements per week depending on the needs of the care home.

On bin days, the management team will wheel the bins from the internal bin store holding area, located behind the retained façade, utilising the existing roller shutter (Charles Ivey Porsche Garage), to the footway adjacent to the façade, for the private collectors to wheel to the rear of the refuse vehicle. Once the refuse vehicle has left the site the bins will be returned to the holding area behind the retained façade.

When will collection of refuse and recycling take place? How will this be managed to minimise impact on neighbours?

Times can be agreed within reason and either larger vehicles which will create less collections or smaller vehicles with more collections can be agreed upon. This could be organised to cater for the needs of the site and minimise the impact where possible, on neighbours. A time period could be sought to assist with vehicle movements occurring in the down period (outside of peak periods) such as later in the evening or early in the morning to generally correspond with council collection times.

What is your plan for construction management?

A Construction Methodology and Management Statement, prepared by Form SD, will be submitted alongside the application. The Statement will outline the proposed building works to be undertaken, and how the constructor intends to manage the project to minimise the impact on local residents.